Monday 5 December 2011

Moon shot

Well I have tried

Taken with a 1000mm lens using the timer delay. What I do not understand is why the image was sharper in the eye piece than was recorded on the digital camera ... Could it be the movement caused by the camera's  mirror !!


  1. It's camera shake Charles, I had the same problem until I use mirror lock up.

    The first push of the shutter release locks up the mirror wait a second or two and press again this take the picture. Use a remote of course or you will still get shake.

    A sturdy tripod is needed as the wind blowing will do the same thing or a person walking by.

  2. Hi Trev

    Sadly my camera does not have that facility but it does have a shutter delay where by the mirror goes up and 0.4sec later when the camera is said to be still the shutter operate ...
    I will try that when I next see the moon or go out and take other photos ... I have made an adaptor so that the lens and camera now are mounted at the balance point but it has been suggested that I use two tripods one for the lens and one for the camera that way things are rock solid (Thanks Ken for that idea)

  3. Well give it a try Charles and see what happens.

  4. Didn't know you had a 1000mm lens. I haven't got a mirror to worry about.

  5. Charles, just a thought about using two tripods.

    You will have trouble getting the Moon lined up coz it is moving. you will have to move two tripod to line it up.

    You would be better getting your telescope down and mounting the camera on that as it is more stable that a camera one. I did this with a Luna eclipse a few years ago.
    Do have fun as it is amazing when you get it right.
