Monday 2 January 2012

Oh what a steep learning curve

Well the day has not been a complete waste of time on the pinhole 35mm film camera photo shoot as I have learned a great deal ...

1. All the negatives were fogged identically and thus  if using a camera on a tripod blank off the eye piece as that was where the light is getting in and fogging the negatives ( I found that out by exposing pieces of paper negative in the camera proving that is the route of the photons.)

2. Whilst 35mm film can be used to make pinhole negatives making even half reasonable prints is for me impossible because the negative has no critical focus is amazingly difficult to achieve a near correct focus in the enlarger  trying to enlarge more would in my opinion make it even worse ... ALSO  having a 100mm lens made it to much telephoto !!!  (May be if I placed a good negative in the enlarger, set the focus) and then tried enlarging the pinhole negatives I would obtain better results ??)

3. The new to me enlarger will be great to use when using film in the normal lensed camera, which I have and I have several films left so my walk round Rochester today has shown me some great locations - so before the film developing chemicals go out of date  I must go out and take normal film camera pictures ....

So it is back to the 5x4 and the contact prints which I have enjoyed doing for pinhole and using the enlarger as a light source and colour head which is working well now with the timer and transformer with a 35W 12V bulb ...

So what is next ...  I need to make up a sort of view finder so that I have a much better idea what is in the field of view on my pinhole camera  ...  That could take awhile to perfect ...

I have been asked to place examples of the photos here which previously I had not thought good enough but at least now you can make your own judgement. 

Photo in Rochester Castle gardens - oops drying spots on negative 

another in Rochester Castle gardens

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