Monday 21 November 2011

Another new design of PINHOLE camera

The 5x4" black backs are fine when one has a dark room to be able to change the paper negatives but not practical in the field.
So I have designed a box camera with a lid that lifts out of the camera, the yellow filter is inside the camera and it has screw mount for a tripod.

The ability to lift the lid of the box in a changing bag and put in a new paper negative will mean I am only limited to the number of sheet of paper I take with me.
The camera has a fixed focal length 120mm, pinhole size 0.4mm and it will take 5x4 paper, the width is about 165mm and height about 120mm.

I am very excited having created this camera as I have designed it from my experience of my other two home made pin hole cameras.
The green filter holder is enclosing the Yellow filter 101 from Lee filter which is normally used to colour stage lights and in front of that is another filter holder which can hold two Cokin Filters and be used at the same time as the yellow filter. At present the filter holder is un-painted so that you can actually see it as I am using a matt black eggshell paint and it has made taking photos to show you the camera rather difficult.

The paper negative holder is at the rear with one of my early negatives taken without the yellow filter.

So this is the camera with the green filter holder in place and there is a reflection on it making it look like two filter holder one behind each other but there is only one and the brass fitting is the tripod fixing.

A shutter will be provided at the front so that when loaded with a paper negative the exposure will not commence until the shutter is opened.

So what makes this camera so different:-

1. The filters are inside the light tight box.
2. I can have the yellow filter and two further filters e.g. a graduated neutral density filter and one other if I wish.
3. The paper negatives can be easily loaded and unloaded in a changing bag.
4. There is a notch at the rear of the lid so that I know the orientation
5. There is a pocket externally at the front for the pin hole which is yet to be made from a "Diet Coke" Can

The shutter is made and painted and the filter holder also painted 0.4mm and 0.5mm pinholes made this time by using micro drills so the camera is ready for use.


  1. Very interesting Charles, this is going from strength to strength. setting up the grad filter is going to be challenging.

  2. As far as the Graduated filter goes all I can do is pop it in and trust to luck that all is well as I have no way to manipulate its position ...

    If it works fine if not too bad ... I would take one photo with and one without .... Some how I have to know which way up it is when loading it into the camera in the changing bag and not being able to see it. I think I will put a small notch in it to show which edge is the bottom !!!
