Thursday 17 November 2011

A visit to Chatham Historic Dockyard

All the photos were taken with a Yellow filter which had been cut from a light filter pack by Lee Filters. Yellow 101. This filter allows 80% light transmission and general restricts the light from the blue part of the spectrum and thus tames the contrast  of Ilford Multi grade paper which I am using as negatives. The developer was standard for the paper but the dilution was 1:18 rather than the normal 1:9.

I think the results are quite promising.

This photo was taken at about 13:45 and the sun had not come out and it was generally grey hence the foreground is rather black as the camera was shooting into the light rather than from it. 

At last we have some tones in the sky and there was sunlight for this picture which has an exposure of 3 minutes.

Whilst the close up item of the first picture was not perfect this image shows the amazing depth of filed of the pinhole camera.  Photo taken in afternoon  sun light.

You can see the flags were moving !!!

Again this shows the great depth of field

Even a clear blue sky is not blackened in this photo ...  I does look as if some of the photos have blackening in the corners due to the pin hole not quite giving full coverage of the negative so I will try next time to crop the photos a bit better ...


  1. Wow, very good Charles, this is going from strength to strength. The detail and GREAT depth of field are certainly there. My favourite is the gun showing the clouds on the sky and loads of detail in the gun itself. Good show. That a improvement from Saturday.

  2. I need now to crack the exposure and this will mean exposing one picture in say 30 second intervals from a base line of say 2 minutes to have 2, 2 30, 3 , 3 30, 4, 4 30 and then develop and see the results ..

  3. Charles

    Picked up your blog from Trevs. Really interesting work. Is that Doctor Who outside that warehouse?

