Saturday 12 November 2011

Photo shoot

Today I went with two chums to Horrid Hill Gillingham Kent to take some pictures.

I am experimenting with pin hole camera photography but today was not a good day for it as the sky dominated leaving the foreground under exposed.
The paper negatives were pearl Ilford Multi grade so very susceptible to high contrast, still as I have a lot of that paper left I must continue to use it !!!

Above my two chums sat for exposure of 2 minutes 30 sec - taken using the wide angle 70mm focal length. I was about 15 feet from the two sitting down so I could be mush closer to them.
I think on the next time out I will take a light reading from the ground for as you can see in the next picture there is quite good tonal effects.

The ship "Waterloo" taken with the 150mm lens exposure  3 minute 30 sec.

The best outcome of the adventure is that I have solved the light ingress into the home made pin hole camera so at least all is not lost.


  1. Bet they could not get you to sit still for over 2mins.

  2. True Jean. Charles, have you tried to darken on photoshop?? Good images though.

  3. That is what it needs Mike!

    I bet he can't Jean
